Living in community
At Redemption, we value living in community with one another as we seek to grow as disciples of Jesus in a city that is calling us to grow as disciples of...basically everything else.
One way we do this is by having community groups that meet throughout the week in homes with 10-15 others and pursue Jesus together. Our groups are intentionally ethnically and culturally diverse with men and women, old and young, single and married, non-christians, new christians and long-time followers of Jesus gathering together to study the word, build community, care for one another and serve the City together. Our groups are this way because we believe this is what biblical-christian-community looks like (Gal. 3:28-29, Col. 3:16, 1 Thess. 5:11, 1 John 1:7, James 5:16, 1 Peter 3:8).
Have questions? Contact Pastor Nate at
Our Groups
Andrea, David & Eyuel
Tuesdays at 7pm
Anza Vista
Jeff & Alvin
Tuesdays at 7pm
Lower Pac Heights
Howie, Monica & Paul
Wednesdays at 7pm
Noe Valley
Solyn & Michael
Tuesdays at 7pm
Noe Valley
Logan & Cassie
Wednesdays at 7pm
Pacific Heights
Hamilton & Kyle
Tuesdays at 7pm
Sindy & Gordon
Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Lower Haight/NOPA