James Study Guide: The Weapon of Wisdom


Read: James 1:5-12

We love experts. We love to watch and read the “experts” deliberating their verdict on a topic of our interest. Craving that type of authority, and clamoring for others to see us as wise, most people claim some sort of expertise in something. Yet, such experts have often led us astray. Either their knowledge is incorrect or insufficient, or their demeanor about the subject makes us so self-conscious to speak that we don’t dare make an observations that may very well be just as legitimate and just as insightful as the alleged specialist’s.

The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is a good and healthy one, if put in the proper context. Very rarely, however, do facts or statistical data save  us from our darkest hour. Moreover, we often lack the confidence to ask  for help from those who best know how to help us. James teaches us that in order to endure our trials we must ask God to guide us. Let’s take a look at how God bestows his wisdom  ……